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It is essential to test to verify that the product or software built behave s as expected by the customer, meets or exceeds the expectations.
Personal information shared by the end-user is secured while using the product, application, or services. The features provided in the application perform as per expectation and requirement.
The product has no serious anomalies.
By testing an application, any deviation from expected behavior can be identified and reported to the stakeholders.

Testing is a process of running an application to identify any defects that breaks the functionality, Features provided in software offer results as expected, System securely display output as quickly as possible. Software features should display same output and behave as expected every repeated instance of running it.
The software can be tested manually by testers or can run automatically using a script and follow steps that tester execute to test the application.

Quality of a product or service can be defined as a level of reliability that meets or exceeds expectations of end-user. For Example, the taste of Amul ice cream or any of the dairy products available in the market produced by Amul is reliable for the quality, new products introduced in market also exceed the expectation.

Following are important artifacts essential for testing any software application
Test strategy is high-level document that defines test approach for the software, what features are essential to test (objective of testing), how to test (methodology), Types of testing to be carried out, and execution of tests.
Test plan decides which tests are for manual testing and which one is for automated testing (distribution of testing task), Who will test what(test schedule), and when to start testing and end testing (duration within which testing should complete)
Test cases are scenarios with steps to be carried out, mapped to requirements with the expected output, to be carried out during testing of an application with status for each scenario, based on the actual result. Test cases can be executed manually or converted into scripts to be executed with the help of tools like selenium or QTP.
Test Data is the valid values that are fed to an application as inputs while running an application in order to test it. It is mandatory to design valid test data as per the scenario that results in expected output. In case the actual output differs from the expected output, the deviation is reported as a bug in the defect management system.
Test Environment is a system configured that mimic or match to system specifications at the client, in order to run software on this system to verify how the system at client be have for the tests and use cases.

  1. In order to test, a tester should first understand –
  2. The requirements and output expected by using a software application and from software requirement document approved by the customer and project owner.
  3. How software works, domain knowledge (software used in specific discipline or field such as e-commerce, Banking, Insurance, Enterprise Resources planning, Gaming, Education or training, or Search – based application)
  4. Whether the software is desktop based or web based
  5. What are the features and its functionality,
  6. How many input forms to be filled in, what are the input fields and their valid values,
  7. How user interface elements like text field, radio button, checkbox, drop -down list, buttons and their types (submit, reset, cancel) functions.
  8. What to expect in an output form.
  9. Working of computer, types of networks.
  10. In case of desktop application, what technology is used in developing a software How to install the software?
  11. What technology is used in building user interface? (HTML, XHTML, JSP, ASP, JavaScript, VBScript, JQuery)
  12. Where reference data gets stored, where data for analysis will be uploaded and then processed What database type is used to store data?

Desktop applications are those software that can be installed on standalone machine called as client machine (desktop or laptop). These software use native resources of standalone machine such as network, CPU, memory and storage, in order to perform specific task for which they are designed for.
Desktop applications are designed to run on standalone machine, by single user. Multiple users can access the printer, scanners if they are LAN connected with desktop applications.
Some Examples of desktop application are Windows file explorer – to access files stored on hard drive of local machine, Microsoft’s office applications such as word, excel, PowerPoint to write and access documents, generate tabular reports on finance and design presentations, Web browsers to access websites and searching information on the internet.

Desktop applications are feature-based applications, where users should be proficient in operating such applications, understand its features, accessing the menu, submenu. Software’s features can be tested with Graphical user interface tests, end to end testing, and functional testing. Non – functional testing will depend on stand-alone machine’s limited resources such as CPU, memory, storage, accessing files, or use features like printer/scanner if desktop applications are connected in local network.

Web-based application need web server in order to host them, visitors need internet connection and need a browser to access the web site, and internally web sites process user requests and send responses via hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP). Multiple users can access same feature of web application at same time simultaneously.
Examples of web-based application are e-commerce portals for online purchase of products of our choice (amazon.com, Flipkart, bookmyshow.com), websites of most of the companies, universities, search engines (google.com, altavista.com).

Web-based applications require browsers such as (Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera), and a reliable internet connection to explore. Web-based applications can be tested for functionality testing for any invalid page redirects, broken links, page not displaying.
Working of web elements such as input field, drop-down list, checkbox, radio button, submit button. verify for valid input data entered, methods used while data submits, compatibility tests for browsers used, performance to test latency (time taken to access pages), delay in opening next pages or output, and Security testing for verifying login for authentication.

  • Anomalies are something that deviates from normal, standard or expected. Based on different situations anomalies are termed as listed below :-
  • Error – When the developer identifies mistakes in his code, he says Error for the anomaly.
  • Defect – When Tester discovers and reports the anomaly, he says Defect to the anomaly.
  • Bug – When the reported defect is accepted by the developer, it is called Bug.
  • Failure – When software build does not meet requirements, it is called a failure by the product owner.
  • Wrong – when there is a deviation from specification or requirements not understood, the anomaly is termed as wrong
  • Missing – when a feature is missing after the software is deployed at the client site, it is said features are missing.
  • Extra – when the developer produces the feature more than the requirement, it is calle d an extra feature. It will be termed as an anomaly as you are giving what is not asked for
  • Arithmetic defects – are numerical data related defects, like not displaying decimal points in case of banking, scientific, or e-commerce sites, these defects occur due to mistakes from the developer side.
  • Logical defects – are due to not understanding business logic for the required output , like if age >=18 you will get driving license, in case developer reverses the condition, even with age equal to or greater than 18, you won’t get a license, but will get for age less than 18 years, that adversely affect real -time situation.
  • Syntax defects – occur if the condition required is not applied properly by developer, like in software that corrects grammar in sentence, say to locate vowels in sentence i.e. word beginning with a, e, i, o, and u characters, will be a vowel, and should proceed with letter ‘an’. If developer forgets to enforce this condition, vowel can’t be found or corrected if ‘an’ is not preceding it.
  • Multithreading defects – multithreading is an ability of CPU to execute multiple tasks simultaneously. If developer cannot able to produce such ability programmatically, then application cannot execute multitasking, such as downloading an image in web page and rendering it on screen.
  • Interface defects – If developer cannot maintain order in which data flow should follow or page displayed after current displayed page, then it is called interface related defect.
  • Performance defects – If latency (delay in displaying page) is too high, if server crashes during multiuser access, these are Examples of performance defect. This can affect adver sely and user will not return back to website.

It is expected while testing a software, tester should reveal all the defects and deviations from requirements, while running an application such that it should break. Tester should understand domain knowledge, able to design actual scenarios, conditions that are not thought of and not handled by developer, able to configure specifications and preconditions to verify how appli cation performs. Have analytical knowledge and logical thinking; think out of box while testing software.

Unit testing is primary test level, one way is static testing, where code is verified for syntax, rules followed by organization which is conducted by developer, second way is dynamic testing where small snippet of code is debug (tested) with sample test data to validate the output. Various tools for unit testing are JUnit, Hansel, and Testing are used to verify code coverage.

When application build is released after bugs fixed from the developer, and or changes due to additional requirement, the testing carried out is called sanity test, to verify that bugs are fixed, still functionality is in place, and no new bugs or defects are observed. In case while running sanity tests, bugs still exists, testers can reject the build.

When software build is released, tester conducts primary tests like all the menus and submenus are clickable, and display the corresponding page, tester make sure that mod ules and feature are present in application, and there is absence of ‘Page Not found’ message while accessing any page, Forms and Pages have all usable web elements and display stable pages.

Example, drop down list in all the input form does not display it ems for user to select, due to any reason, this if found during the smoke test, then tester will stop testing and can reject the build by informing the short coming to development team.

Tester use testing experience, while testing an application, explores the features and learn about how the application works, during testing, he makes note of how the application be have s, and such tests are called exploratory testing. The requirement document is absent, and testers are exposed to the application first time, without any test cases created.

Integration testing is the second level of testing after unit testing, where different modules are combined together and then tested for verifying that data flow in sync between the modules and there is no a broken page or failed functionality.
Example –During integration testing, IRCTC site can be checked where after searching train, booking seats in particular train, when payment gateway, which is integrated into application found not working.

System testing is the third level of testing after integration testing, where the application under test is tested for an end to end functionality, to confirm that it works as desired.
Example – matrimonial portal can be tested from registration, searching candidate, receiving contact details and meet or fix appointments with prospects.

Interface testing is a verifying communication and data transfer between two different systems, where interface can be API or web services.
Example – Booking air tickets using ticketing portals like goibibo.com, where ticket is booked using web service of the airlines showing flight time, destinations, availability of seats and fare to travel to destination from starting point.

Regression testing is conducted on the build after bugs are fixed build, to validate that code change to fix bug has not adversely affected functionality and there should not be another defect.

Alpha testing is a type of acceptance testing, where testers are employees of an organization who has built the application, these tests are conducted to verify that all the issues found have been resolved and have not reoccurred, before releasing to the client.

Beta testing is tests conducted at the client’s site after application is deployed and handed over to client. These tests include usability, functionality, and reliability of application.

Performance testing falls under non-functional testing type, where latency (speed or delay in accessing or loading a page), responsiveness and stability of application, network, stress or load tests are carried out to check efficiency/performance of application.

Load testing is one form of non-functional testing, in which behavior of application is observed when itis exposed to load.
Example, verifying behavior of Netflix portal during movie streaming by viewers between evening 7 pm to 9 pm in any time zone.

This non-functional testing is conducted by subjecting an application to overload in order to verify till how long system is sustaining to the stress, hence the name – Stress testing.
Example – during amazon festive season sale, subjected to overload when users multifold times than expected will access the portal and book a newly arrived mobile, there by website server may fail to handle such a heavy load.

Security testing is a testing of an application against malpractice from hacker, how effective protective software like firewall or antivirus installed are in data protection, and vulnerabilities of login system by sql injection.

Software or an application is tested without executing code, such as Code Review, coverage that business logic is properly taken care is called Static testing. Variable declared but not used in code, undefined variables, unreachable code, syntax violations and code structure approved in organization.
Tools like code compare, coverity, parasoft are used for s tatic code analysis

For dynamic testing, application should have compiled code and executed in order to run application, various parameters such as CPU, memory, latency or time taken for output, are analyzed and recorded. Valid input values are prepared and expected output values are listed as requirement.
Main test types included in dynamic testing are functional and non-functional testing. test level included in dynamic testing are Unit, integration, system and acceptance testing.

Compatibility testing are conducted to verify that software runs on various environments, operating systems without any conflicts. Compatibility of an application is tested across different Hardware configuration, operating systems like Ubuntu, Linux, windows, MacOS, Network, Browsers like firefox, chrome, opera, safari, various devices like desktop pc, laptop pc, mobile, etc.

Reliability testing is carried out in order to confirm that software display reliable output that is same irrespective of test environment, operating system, browser etc.

Compliance testing is a non-functional test that validates that the software designed meets all the prescribed standards as described in requirement document. for Example Vehicles in North America are made according to Canadian Environmental Protection Act 1999 (CEPA 1999), under this act Environment Canada has an authority to regulate emission from on-road engines

Localization tests verify that application can be used in specific region. The test includes user interface, language, currency format, date and time format for that specific continent or country having particular language dominance.
Example, In case software developed specific for middle east, language will be Arabic, currency being riyal and dirham for united arab emirates. date format in Saudi Arabia is dd/mm/yyyy.

Test case is set of instructions and steps to be followed to validate particular feature should fulfill requirement specified in software requirement document. test cases can be derived from requirement traceability matrix, which is derived from requirement document.

Test case template should have details common across test case such as test case created by, tested by, tested on, module name tested with their details. Test case template should contain columns as listed and explained below :-
Test case id – unique identification of test case
Requirement Traceability Matrix id – test case scenarios or condition mapped with RTM id. Test
scenario – short description of what should be tested eg. user should able to log in
Pre Requisite – assumption for test to carry out, such as application log in page is already displayed in browser or desktop.
Test steps – steps to follow in order to test the scenario, manually or using scri pt automatically
Test data used – valid test data created specific to the scenario eg. username – admin and password test123 to be used
Expected Result – what is expected from the feature being tested e.g. welcome page with menus of other features should be displayed after user successfully logged in to the application.
Actual Result- what is actual output or result after testing application, this is to be filled in by tester

Status –If there is difference between actual and expected result test will fail, else test will pass
Remarks – In case test fails, bug report details can be mentioned here

Use case describes how person utilizes system or process to achieve his goal. it helps to assess entire process, which part of the process is error prone. Main elements of use case are Actor, System and Goal. Stakeholders, preconditions, and triggers are additional element s of the use case.

main elements of use case are Actor, System and Goal.
Actor in Use case – is an end user, single or group of people, interacting with a process
System is the process required to reach final outcome.
Goal is successful user outcome.

Test scenario is functionality or feature that can be tested. It also provides high level idea of what need to be tested, in order to create scenario we need set of test case s where we can understand features of application and any short comings of application.

positive test cases ensure that using valid data, application performs required output as expected or not. With positive test case, tester decides that feature provided works if provided with valid test data.

Negative test cases are performed to try break the system, by providing invalid data, or following path not proposed, main intension here is to uncover hidden defects, that are otherwise remain in the software.

Behavior driven testing focuses more on user behavior in certain conditions (say how printing a document in case he receives a message for “page area out of margin” =- how will he reacts…, normally) rather than technical functionality of software.

Acceptance testing is final level in software testing, where purpose of test is to anal yze if software features are in compliance with business requirement, and can we deliver to the client, does all features functions as expected, and with the features can we deploy software on production environment

Vulnerability testing are assessment of software and underlined infrastructure, to reveal security loopholes or risks that are critical present in software due to which some loss should be incurred.
Example – some application requires end user’s email address as username as log in credential,registering email can offer a risk of receiving unsolicited mails.

When we test application without worrying or having knowledge about details of implementation, how internal code structure applied to software to achieve required output. it is called black box testing. This type of testing is carried out mainly by testers. Some of the testing techniques for black box testing are Equivalence Partitioning, Boundary Value Analysis, and Cause Effect Testing.

When internal implementation and internal code structure are known to the tester, while testing an application, it is called white box testing. White box testing involves code veri fication for security holes, poorly structured code process path, data flow of inputs in code, conditional loop, testing of statement, object, and functions in each code class. Some of the testing techniques for white box testing are Statement Coverage, Branch Coverage, Decision, Condition, Control flow and Data flow testing.

When tester has partial knowledge of internal working and features of an application. Grey box testing is conducted to find defects due to code structure, improper functionality and missing condition in the feature. Various techniques used in grey box testing are Matrix testing, regression testing, orthogonal array testing, pattern testing.

In Software Development Life Cycle, there are mainly four testing levels –starting from Unit testing, followed by Integration testing, System testing, and finally user Acceptance testing.

When testers testing of various modules that are linked together in order to accomplish features expected to accomplish. Testing modules in combination are called integration tests.
Example – After log in to Amazon portal, user can view his orders history, pending orders, Amazon wallet details, Prime videos streamed from where he can re order already procured item using his wallet balance amount as well as check video or movies already streamed. Integration tests require tester to check log in details of a user, that has placed orders and has purchased from amazon in past, also should be a prime member to avail facility like music, movie and free of charge deliveries.

Top Down Approach of testing is breaking down complex module into smaller portions till it becomes easy for assessment.
Example – Top management forms rules for organization, middle level management and lower level employees has to follow the rules enforced.

Stubs are the called programs that temporarily replace the missing modules, help in testing integration testing, where flow of data is takes place from Top to down approach.

Bottom Up Approach of testing is combining smaller modules which are easy to test, into larger single complex module.
Example – Small group of students assess the situation or problem, find solution to resolve it. The solution is discussed with teachers and then applied to other groups, and on successful outcome, becomes appeal to higher management, who can make it implementation

Test Drivers are calling modules that are temporary replacement of upper level module that are not yet integrated. Drivers fill the gap of absence of modules to verify flow of data to higher level modules.

GUI ie. Graphical User interface, relates to frame or screen displayed to end user as an interface that makes them easier to access an application or software. In case of desktop application, Microsoft office or paint opens up user interface when paint.exe file gets executed, In case of web based application, all the portals that opens index.html page where user can check all general information about the website, and has login and signup links, allowing new user to register and existing user to log in.

Functional testing is test working of web elements; drop down, buttons, check box or radio button, and features of an application. Functional testing is categorized into various types such as unit test, integration tests, GUI tests, localization tests, usability tests, regression tests, system tests.
Example: on clicking print button, a pop menu should display showing existing page and print configuration window, with print button. On clicking on print button, contents such as text, images or spreadsheets on selected page should be sent for printing.

Nonfunctional testing deals with testing parameters other than features of an application, these include performance, reliability, security, integrity, scalability, portability, etc.
Example: In case of desktop software say calculator, how quickly it displays an output, for multiplication of four digit numerals. In web based application, how quickly an image is rendered on the webpage, or if site is available 24×7 or is subjected to frequent maintenance, making it non-available to end users.

Requirement traceability matrix (RTM) is a document that maps test cases with the requirements discussed in software requirement document. RTM is a single document that make sure that all the requirements are mapped and are covered and has test cases corresponding to the requirement.

Defect traceability matrix is a document that maps defects if any with corresponding test cases, this document helps to trace defects, test cases and requirements thereby gives an idea of whether defects have been resolved or not, if resolved and build is received, then test cases selected for regression tests corresponding to this defect and some integration test cases to make sure defect has been

Following are few techniques used in test case design :-
i) Equivalence Partitioning
ii) Boundary Value Analysis
iii) Decision Table
iv) State Transition
v) ErrorGuessing

Test Scenario- In order to get a driving license the age of applicant should be between 18 to 49 years.
There will be 3 (three) partition where tester should check possibility

i) If applicant’s age is less than or equal to 17 years – Invalid
ii) If applicant’s age is between 18 to 49 years. – Valid
iii) If applicant’s age is greater than or equal to 50 – Invalid
So there will be 3 possible scenarios where only one valid group of applicant having age is between 18 to 49 years, will get driving license.

Test Scenario- In order to get a driver’s license, the age range should be between 18 to 49 years.
Boundary values to be verified here is
First Boundary value
Minimum age – 1 i.e. 18-1 = 17 years – invalid age
Second Boundary value
Minimum i.e. 18 years, minimum +1 i.e. 19 years, maximum -1 i.e. 48 years, and maximum i.e. 49 years (18, 19, 48, 49) – Valid values for age criteria.
Third Boundary value
Maximum +1 = 50 years – invalid age

Scenario – You want to buy headphone and have budget Rs.1000
You have following buying options
i) Vijay Sales
ii) Reliance Digital
iii) Chroma
iv) Amazon
Based on Answers to the following queries, we will be able to decide
Where should we buy headphone from
Can take trials before purchase
Have EMI options
Accepts Credit Cards
Accepts Cash on Delivery
Do they have return policy
Have Item in your budget?

When tester finds a defect while testing application, he will confirm deviation with expected result, registers defect (bug) in bug management tool like Bugzilla or JIRA. Bug status will be ‘New’, If defect is not agreed by product team or developer, its status will become ‘Rejected’.
When developer agrees with the defect in application, when assigned to developer, bug status will be ‘Open’, If Developer does not agree to the defect; its status will be ‘Deferred’.
Open’ bugs when resolved by developer its status becomes ‘Fixed’, once the bugs are fixed and build is retested for regression testing, defect is verified, i f defect is not resolved, bug will be ‘Reopen’, which will be reassigned to the developer for fixing. if defect is resolved and confirmed by tester then Bug status will be ‘Closed’.

Severity of bug is an extreme level of damage like financial loss, company’s reputation and loss of life, due to presence of the bug. Example such as if point of sales machine does not function as expected, and does not dispense bill, thereby customer may not pay the amount for the purchases, in such situation, the defect due to which bills are not displaying amount of purchase, is termed as severe test case, as due to such defect, there will be huge financial loss. Further say, infrared machine that used for removing decay in the teeth malfunction and damages the jaw of patient, it may result into loss of life.
Defect severity are categorized into following levels
Blocker – Due to this defect type, it becomes impossible to further run the application, there for the name – Blocker
Critical – There are some workarounds to accomplish the task, e.g. pdf format of file type is not downloaded, whereas word type is possible.
Major – some error may lead to understanding the title or content by end user, e.g. software display s title and content in English, but does not display some of the title in Arabic language, but display it in English only.
Minor – there are some defects which has very minor impact on functionality of application, e.g. missing space between words, commas are missed in sentences.
Low –These defects does not impact at all, however if fixed it will be aesthetically pleasing, eg. Size of button, form border go out of screen and need to scroll in order to view the content.

Priority gives a need of urgency to fix or resolve the defect, Example can be if a reputed pen manufactures company while printing the pen model or company name will wrong spellings, then such bugs should be fixed on priority basis.
Defect priority are categorized into following levels
Urgent – this must be fixed immediately e.g. payment gateway pages not displaying, or conformance of order processed not sent via email or sms, or transaction records not printed in account details in banking software.
High – this should be resolved in subsequent releases, e.g. presentation or video does not have company logo or has written content, but does not have voice that narrates above content.
Medium – should be fixed based on the level of severity- eg. Error occurring while user updates his mobile number, while communication has options such as his email and mobile.
Low – May or may not be fixed e.g. spelling or grammar mistake in introductory page of portal, as long as meaning is conveyed to the audience.

Quality assurance (QA) is targeted for avoiding defect, whereas quality control (QC) is aimed at identify defect and fix these defects. QA is process focused whereas QC is end product focused. Quality Assurance team usually in manufacturing industry gathers certification related to quality of raw materials used, machineries used in processing the end product and final product. Whereas Quality Control team is software testers inspects by running or analyzing steps followed in products and services to make sure that it is working fine as per expected standards.

Inspection is an observation where a site is expected to perform or follow standards as compliance obligations, whereas audit is a process of checking if obligations are met or not. Inspections are simple, quantitative and help create actions, whereas audits are complex, qualitative and forms recommendations.

It is a analysis to observe deviation between actual performance and expected performance. Basis of assessment is an improvement in actual performance, whether new hardware, or additional storage capacity or memory improvement or line of code that does not consume processing power, but quickly display output.

It is important for test managers to keep an account of test procedures followed, test plan, test methodology, justification of number of test cases required to be conducted manually in order to verify complete feature coverage, and why these manual test case not able to be carried out using script, automatically, and finally after executing said number of tests both manua l and automatically, how many defects have been captured. There are various test management tools that help manager with reports on what is optimum effort put in testing and what is final outcome. These tools have built-in test ware management; test scheduling, test tracking, incident management, and test reporting.

Based on the level of maturity model i.e. implementation of various processes of software life cycle, adherence of procedures even during critical and crisis situation is called test maturity model

Based on Capability Maturity Model (CMM), software development organization’s level are decided. There are five levels
Level 1 – there is an ad hoc testing, chaotic work culture and no adherence to process during time of crisis, they always use new and undocumented repeat process during software life cycle.
Level 2 – The processes are defined and same steps are repeated during each new p roject.
Level 3 – There is standard business process in each of the defined processes followed without any alterations.
Level 4 – The mapping of the processes are managed accordance with agreed upon metrics.
Level 5 – there is regular and frequent process optimization and improvement during process management

There is a measure of process capability calculated using specification limits and standard deviation of the process, which is Cp index. Most companies require Process Cp = 1.33 or greater.

The term used in short is CAPA, stands for Corrective Action Preventive Action.
Corrective Action Preventive Action (CAPA) is a process which
investigates and solves problems,
identifies causes,
takes corrective action and
Prevents recurrence of the root causes.
Example – when we fall sick, we seek medical attention, and health care specialist offer us remedy and relief, but what if we do not get relief or do not recover. We ask for corrective actions and we think of preventive action as well.

Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC) is a sequence of activities performed by testers such as
Requirement & Analysis – Understanding the client’s requirement and what actually requires, How to test the requirements,
Test Planning – what should be tested in an application, How and who will test the application
Test Case Design – test scenarios, mapping with requirement traceability matrix, test case creation, and test data used
Test Environment Setup – what hardware and software need to install or configure to build test environment.
Test Execution – running the application in order to verify features as per test case designed, reporting bugs, track the bugs and regression test till it gets resolved.
Test Closure – Creation of test reports, total bugs pending, critical bugs if any, justification for releasing application to client.

Document approved by customers and project owners that describe, what is expected from the software to perform, how many features and functionality, what is requirement ( what to verify/validate). In short, Software requirement specification document has a purpose for software to be built, description of software to accomplish and requirement in specific required to fulfill using the software.

In order to understand features and their functionality we refer requirement document (SRS). In order to understand overview of data flow, integration between systems, we should refer design document, For understanding documentation on code, algorithms, interfaces and APIs used in software technical documents or process documentation containing UML diagrams, How end user will use the software we can find from user manual, and finally how to install the software can be found from installation guide of the software.

Regression testing is the testing of an application that verifies that there is no adverse effect of the changes made due to defect fix or change request to other areas of application. regression testing involves test cases other than those that are related to defect or change as per client request, but it also tests features that directly or indirectly connected with the feature that was rectified by developer against the defect raised, such as integration tests, test case related to web components and their functions along with those involved directly with defect raised. Regression testing is usually car ried out using automated scripts by selecting test cases and re executing the scripts to run those test cases.
Retesting is a testing to make sure that previously failed test cases due to defect are passed and the defect has been resolved. The test cases involved in retesting focus only on the failed test cases due to the defect or the scenarios or steps followed result in failed functionality. It is better to carry out manual testing in case of retesting to make sure that defect has actually been resolved.

Selection of test cases for regression testing for the build received from release, should based on following scenario priority for testing those test cases that were failed due to defect, on testing if they are passed. All integration tests, boundary value scenarios, testing functionality of components related to defect, end to end tests that involve change request or resolved test cas es after release,
should be considered for regression.

System testing is a test level after unit tests and integration tests in software testing life cycle, where application as a whole is tested end to end for functional as well as non -functional requirements. It is performed after integration testing. Usability, performance, scalability and secu rity testing are involved.
Integration testing is testing of interconnected units and their interfaces, the data flow between these units and to make sure that feature is working as per expected. it is carried out after unit testing.
Various test approach like top down, bottom up or hybrid integration are carried out during testing.

  • Test plan document should include following details
  • Features to be tested
  • Features not to be tested
  • Approach like should we test manually, automated scripts, test techniques (white,black or grey box)
  • Criteria for Failed tests / pass tests
  • What condition for suspending test activities
  • Test environment such as hardware, software, network etc.
  • Man hours estimated while testing
  • specific training required, Risks involved, any assumptions or dependencies

Tests that are carried out while exploring an application, and learning about the business requirements are called exploratory testing. These tests are carried out by manual testers without referring to any test cases or test scripts. Exploratory tests are carried out by experienced Software testers based on their previous testing expertise thereby test cases are designed during test execution. Test steps carried out should be noted In case of any defect found during exploratory testing, as there is no test cases and test steps written to carry out exploratory testing.

Software Peer Review is a detailed examination of low level and high level design documents by one or more individuals working on the project to find and resolve errors or defects in application during early stages of SDLC.
Code Review – review of code by peer developer will ensure that functionality is met with as expected; there are no memory leaks or dead code which is not utilized while coding.
Pair Programming – Is a process where same portion of code is developed by pair of developers individually and then most efficient code is finalized.
Software Management Review – The project head verifies project progress, status of plans and their status, infrastructure allocation to test and develop the application during management review.
Software Audit Reviews is an independent examination of product, process, assessment with compliance to specifications.

Software Testing Metrics is a quantitative measure that helps in estimating progress, quality and well being of software testing efforts. This helps in improving efficiency and effectiveness of software testing processes.

Test entire application – It is virtually impossible to test and verify entire application with each and every scenario. Even one of the seven principles of software testing says, “Exhaustive Testing is Not Possible”.
Relationship with developers: Tester’s responsibility to check for any defects in the software and how to break an application, it becomes tough to keep amicable relations hip with developers
Regression testing: In every build released from developer, tester has to check entire application for end to end functionality every time along with resolved defect and components or units that are integrated that may get affected due to change request or resolved defect.
Testing always under time constraint: All the stack holders keep an eye on how the built has came out, testers has to quickly start testing the build with sanity test, smoke test and regression tests as send their observations as soon as possible.
Which tests to execute first? – Based on available timeline, and complexity of modules, test lead has to distribute testing like user interface or feature testing using script automatically and regression and integration tests manually. Non functional testing using tools like load runner, API testing using Postman or REST assured. Regression tests using selenium and mobile testing using Appium.
Understanding the requirements: There should be a walkthrough and review of software, domain knowledge, how to test features etc. is mandatory for each member of tester.
Decision to stop the testing: Testing manager should explain testers when should testing be stopped, based on what critical bugs should get resolved, any blockers affecting feature pending by developers.

Main objective for using bug tracking tool is to deliver high quality software product by keeping track of defect discovered and track these defects till it gets resolved, Improve Return on Investment (ROI) by reducing cost of development, when quality product is developed, so that it will have more reliable quality product, satisfied customers with long loyalty. Product and Project team can keep a track of detect Issues Earlier and understand defect trends in ongoin g software development.
Better Communication, Teamwork and connectivity amongst stack holders about software quality.

Website usability testing is to measure and understand how web visitor would experience navigating website to verify its features, accomplish their tasks and any pain points in doing so.

Pesticide paradox is a principle wherein same set of test case if executed again and again over interval of time, then these test cases are not capable of identifying any new defects in the system. in order to overcome this effect, the set of test cases are regularly reviewed and revised to make them effective.

V model is a SDLC methodology where software development instead of moving downwards like waterfall model, moves downwards and then back upwards in V shape, starting with requirement analysis, system design, module design, unit testing, integration testing, system testing, user acceptance testing.

Client Server application is distributed on at least two systems, Client and Server where client has visual pages like input forms, validation for valid data before sending requests to server and output pages as response from server. Server has all business logic, database storage where request received from client machines are responded back after processing through logic and database tables, procedures. Client Server applications require LAN connection and Database Drivers so that they are connected whenever request is sent forresponse. SomeExamples areATM machine, Banking software, and Stock Trading etc.
Web application are built in one server with all front end files, back end and processing logic placed on single web server, various technologies such as HTML or ASP with JavaScript or JS libraries are used for front end design, whereas back end storage and processing is done on server in class files and DB procedures and tables. web application are accessed using web browser, hence it require internet in
addition to web application files placed on web server. Examples of web applications are Amazon, Flipkart and Snapdeal online portal, Gmail, Saavn online music streaming services

: In case of White box testing it is mandatory to know internals of software applications, such as structure, program functions, and implementation of how data flows between components. The tests covers white box testing are unit testing and integration testing. These tests are performed by developers, and it is mandatory to know programming and implementation knowledge, the test is based on design document provided by design team. Various testing techniques used in White box testing are Statement Coverage, Branch coverage, decision coverage, path coverage.
Black box testing does not need any understanding about internal structure of application, the tests coveres black box testing are system and acceptance testing, testing is based on requirement document received from product team. Various testing techniques used in Black box testing are Equivalence partitioning, Boundary value analysis, Decision table testing, and Error Guessing.

Authentication is verify logged in user’s genuineness, in real world you were required to show photo identity documents such as Aadhar card, Driving license, PAN card or Passport in order to receive documents addressed to you from courier, know your account ba lance at your bank.
whereas authorization is verifies what module access rights the logged in user has. real life Examples are You are allowed to explore feature of an application based on your trial period, once you become registered user by paying the registration fees, you can access more features of the software.

In addition to functionality and feature testing, we should test browser compatibility, security tests for authentication and authorization rights, latency – how long it takes to load a web page, or request to come back as a response, load testing based on number of users logged in during peak hours, and scalability testing.

The criteria and conditions are specified in exit document that guides us on when testing should be stopped. When most of blockers and critical bugs have been resolved and application has performance in acceptable limits, we can stop testing. This is however based on some risk that have to be undertaken and time limit.

Cookies are small text files that contain web visitor information such as websites explored, pages visited, visitor’s ip address to identify already visited user. There are various types of cookies,
Session cookies – user navigating websites actively, once they leave particular site, session cookie disappears.
Tracking cookies – are used to keep record of multiple visits that was made to same particular web site.
Authentication cookies – whether a a valid registered user has logged in again and if so with what name?

This one is a tricky question; interviewer wants to know firsthand information from you about your weakness in handling difficult or crisis situation. Answering this question like what is your weakness – you need to keep yourself specific and not to lament problem or difficulties or show any kind of annoyance or hatred for particular stack holder or reporting manager, colleague or developer or some process. You can explain situation however, but should end your statement expla ining how you were successful in controlling the situation.

There are a situation where testing a new build is allotted a bare minimum time, or you are given several tasks or projects to look into. In such case, where you cannot able to completely cover all the scenarios of testing, you can focus on main functionality and features released and check if any critical or blocking defect should not be present in an application during regression tests. Usability, functionality, security, performance are few testing that should be carried out either using scripts automatically or test manually.

Software Quality Assurance (SQA) is a set of activities that validates that the software being designed or built, meets desired quality measures and specifications. Test Assurance team has tasks like auditing and training the stack holders about standards for quality that software should satisfy as per user expectations.

A defect report should inform description about the defect.
Which version or build of software release being tested during which defect occurred.
Which is the module name, how to access this module (path), what were the steps carried out What was the functionality affected, how severe you think the defect is.
Name of the tester who discovered the defect, name of the developer to whom defect has been assigned.
Test case affected mapped to requirement specification document ids and number of test cases that may not be tested due to the defect.

Big Bang test type is an integration tests where multiple modules are being tested simultaneously which may get affected due to change request or defect if any. This helps exploring software with end to end functionality and gives tester an idea about features included and
functionality carried out using the software.

Traceability Matrix & Coverage Matrix is a document that is mapped with software requirement documents and test case or scenarios all in single document. The purpose of such document will ensure that the entire requirements have been covered by test cases and there is no feature or functionality that has been left unchecked.

User Acceptance Test (UAT) is a final test by end user or client’s representative before software is handed over to production environment. It is an end to end functionality testing and verify that proposed features have been included in the software. User Acceptance test are essential as end user will test and verify the application, to make sure tha t the developer has incorporated the features and functionality expected by end user in the software. In addition change requests asked for have been properly incorporated by developers.

HotFix is a workaround which can be some sort of configuration change in order to resolve an issue that could occur in running application or server, with minimum downtime.

Entry criteria are written document without referring to which one cannot begin any of the SDLC phases. In order to begin SDLC phase Requirement document and complete flow diagram of the application as well as Test Plan should be ready and available. An exit criterion is the detailed document that decides moving from current phase of SDLC to the next phase. In order to exit SDLC phases test cases should be written and reviewed, test data has been identified and ready to use, scripts for automate the execution of test cases must be ready.

In order to verify email address, the front end tester should consider foll owing criteria:-
Email address may contain alphanumeric characters as initial portion, special character allowed are dot (.), underscore (_), in initial portion, there should only be single @ symbol separating local part and domain.
Domain name may end separating dot (.) with net, org, com and edu as well as country specific characters eg. In for india, ca for canada.

Mistake in company logo on a product, does not impact its functionality or working , as well as buying or selling activities of product, the defect has low severity. But, this defect will impact greatly brand identity and impact how user will interact or may take as duplicate product, hence such defect is of high priority.

A/B testing is comparing two version of same product, for difference in user experience, performance and any changes that are evident during tests. E.g. comparison of features of microsoft’s word 95 and word 97.

When requirements are specific to test cases, such that code can be improved or defect in code can be fixed in order to meet with the requirements, such kind of development is known as test driven development. The test cases are designed around various scenarios to cover the expected requirements.

Based on testing experience, testers design their test cases or scenarios, such method or tests which are exploratory in nature, in order to locate defect in software, are called error guessing.

Mutation testing is white box testing usually conducted in unit testing level, by changing few statements in source code and validate using debugger. Objective of mutation testing is to assess test case quality based on fault-based test strategy that fails mutant code while debugging.

Ad-hoc is an informal test that can be carried out without referring to requirement specification documents for the application being tested. Ad-hoc tests primarily tests negative scenarios.
Exploratory is formal tests are carried out by experienced Software testers based on their previous testing expertise thereby test cases are designed during test execution.
There is no test case or scenario created during exploratory testing.
While exploratory tests, both positive as well as negative tests should be tested thoroughly.

HTTP is short for Hypertext Transfer Protocol, when you enter http:// in your browser, you inform browser to allow connection via http protocol which is TCP (transmission control protocol), in order to send and receive data packets over the web.
HTTPS is short for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure, when you enter http:// in your browser, you inform browser to allow connection via http protocol over secured connection encrypted by transport layer security

Retesting is required to verify that the test cases failed in previous release, are passed after the defects are fixed.
Regression is mandatory to verify all relative or dependent modules and integration tests that are intact even after defect is fixed or after change request.
You need to retest the portion of application where defect was fixed. This may be a portion of tests in regression testing. Experience says, it is safe to do regression after retest ing as to make sure that other portions of software are intact and not affected after defect fix.

Web server is an infrastructure that uses hypertext transfer protocol to respond client request s over internet. Its main function is to store, process and deliver web pages requested to web site visitors. In addition web server also supports Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) and File Transfer Protocol (FTP) protocols for email, file transfer and storage. Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) and Apache Tomcat are some Examples of a web server.

When various systems are internally connected with each other and can access or exc hange information as well as process one system with another system as interface. Real Life Example is ATM machines, if you have account in State Bank of India of any branch and you have SBI debit card. You need to withdraw cash immediately, you have ICICI bank ATM machine near you. You insert SBI debit card in ICICI bank ATM machine, you enter your credential, the system will internally access SBI server and verify your authentication details along with account balance. When you request the amount to be withdrawn, ICICI bank ATM machine will dispense the cash requested for. with amount remaining in your SBI account. Another Example is you can access and use all banking related functionality from different branch of SBI bank across India.

The software build is application compiled and integrated in order to get tested by software testers.
Release is deploying software with new version deployed to the customer, it has additional features that were absent in previous release, and change request requested by customers using previous release.

Production server is a server used to host website contents such as front end pages, css files, javascript files, backend tables, sql files, procedures etc. integrated and deployed so that end users can access them through their website address using browser and internet, or download on their mobile for using the features of application.

Recovery testing is to test how quick the application is recovered after it has gone through system crash or hardware failure. Tester can change interface, protocol, firmware, hardware, and software configurations as close as the actual conditions. Recovery tests after hardware restored will be tested for getting application again coming back and start running as before. The expense and risk to carry out recovery testing may be substantial and prohibitive for smaller startup companies.

The requirement should be feasible, completely explained in requirement specification document. There should be single requirement, easily read and understood by non-technical people, should not contain definitions, reasons for need of requirement. The requirement should not have any guess work or any confusion (e.g. for how long, 50% or more) should not conflict with other requirements, must include same terminology across document, Can be achieved with existing technologies, met within the schedule.

Accessibility testing is a subset of usability testing, is a process of testing an amount of ease of using the application by disabled individuals. Based on the type of disability various tests are carried out on software to check accessibility features designed specifically for disabled either manually or automatically using tools.
The objective of accessibility testing is listed below
To make sure that application or software can be used by a disabled individual with ease,
To verify that the software is in compliance with the laws formed over requirements for accessing
software by disabled individuals.
To make sure that there is no legal action against the software provider in the future.

Screen Readers like JAWS, NVDA, VoiceOver, Window-Eyes, and Digital voice recorders of brands like EVISTR, OLYMPUS WS-852, Zoom, Tascam and SONY can be integrated with software to add accessibility feature for disabled individuals.
To learn more about accessibility testing visit https://www.qafox.com/importance -of-accessibilitytesting-for-disabled/.

Smoke à Sanity à Integration à System à Functional à Retesting à Regression

Installation testing is to verify that the application has been successfully installed on environment as per the steps and order of installation listed in installation guide and is working as user acceptance tests and expected as requirement document. During every build deployed by software testers on test servers installation testing is carried out. The steps written in installation guide for different operating system can be verified and application is run to check that installation is successful

There are various scenarios like additional load of uploaded files for processing, logged in users, time taken to receive response back due to which bug are reproduced at client side (production environment) and not in the test environment.

The steps or scenario carried out to reproduce defect at test environment but the same steps carried out at development server if does not produce defect. It may happen that there can be some files missing at test environment, code changes at development server due to update on build. Tester has to reproduce the defect carefully conducting steps at development server and advice developer to fix the defect.

Migration testing validates migration of application from old system to new system wi th data integrity, no loss of data, and minimal downtime, with functional and non-functional aspects are met post migration. Pre migration, migration and post migration tests are phases of migration test. In addition backward compatibility and rollback tes ts are executed along with.

A CAPTCHA is a type of challenge–response test used in computing to determine whether or not the user is human. e.g. of captcha are sum of two digits, selection of charact ers containing symbols, numerals, and alphabets which are distorted for user to identify and write in text field provided.
Selection of pictures that contain some of the images asked for. The pages where sensitive user information may get revealed CAPTCHA can be installed, They prevent hackers from performing attacks where they try to break into an account by guessing every possible password combination, and they can also prevent fraudulent sweepstakes entries or illegitimate contest votes.

Many websites have changed their privacy policies after the law and the recent developments of user data breaches in the tech industry. This will help make the users understand what data are collected using cookies and what happens to it after they are collected.

Latent Defect is a hidden defect in software still unknown to end user until particular task or operation is not performed by running the application. this type of defect are difficult to identify, pass through all testing, remains hidden even after production, occurs only in certain scenario, can surface after release of the product.

Fault masking is a technique wherein one defect prevents the detection of another. there are many features that may have defects but remain hidden until these feature are utilized. For eg. In case of login page, developer has provided option to log in with email address and mobile number, until user logs in with valid credentials, the defect as below, wherein forgot password when registered mobile number is entered OTP is not received on mobile (unhandled task by developer), remains un noticed. This is known as fault masking.

Latent defect is a failure that is still hidden as the set of condition were never met that can uncover a defect.
Masked defect is a defect that has not yet caused because another defect has prevented the area of code from being executed so that masked defect can be found.
When set of condition or scenario are executed, latent defect will be discovered. Masked defect can be found once the defect preventing to execute area of application is resolved.

Fuzz testing is an automatic test technique where invalid, random and unexpected data is sent as an input that may result into exceptions like crash, memory leaks or fails to build -in code assertions.
Fuzz testing tools for web security testing are Burp Suite, Peach Fuzzer, Spike Proxy.

  • Once tester finds a defect in an application, he should complete following steps in order to register the defect.
  • Verify and validate the steps followed and try reproducing the defect.
  • Repeat the test steps and ensure that the defect occurs repeatedly.
  • Attach screenshots, backend server logs and/or database logs,
  • Understand the requirement and analyze the deviation from expected output for the scenario.
  • Include the scenario or test case in case, the scenario tested is not covered.
  • Report the bug in bug tracking system like Bugzilla or JIRA,
  • Analyze the defect and rank it based on its severity.

It is essential to work in team environment for software development industries. Team members may face challenges amongst their colleagues while communicating, exchanging their views, mentoring or allocating the work. Team member conflicts are common while delivering tasks in high pressure environment.
To resolve conflict amongst team members as a test lead you should talk individually to each person and note their concerns.
Find a solution to the common problems raised by team members.
Arrange a team meeting, reveal the solution and ask people to co-operate.

Charles Proxy testing is a testing for decrypting web traffic on computers and mobile devices. It is a cross platform HTTP debugging proxy server application that enables user to view HTTP, HTTPS, and enabled TCP port traffic from and to local computer or mobile device. In addition, it also records requests and responses along with HTTP headers and metadata (e.g. cookies, caching and encoding information) during web traffic.

  • There can be various mistakes that may create issues in project delivery.
  • Assigning incompetent resource to manage the project.
  • Lack of resources and skills.
  • Doing everything myself approach instead of distribution of work as per resource and their skills Lack.
  • of proper communication and failure to pass the message across the stack holders.
  • Project initiation or start up is poorly managed.
  • uncertain or unclear objective of project and processes.
  • Wrong Estimation of time and budget.
  • Failure to manage scope described in project.
  • Over micro managing of projects like police and enforcing the pressure in order to achieve the tasks.
  • Daily or weekly meets amongst team to update and understand the progress. Not following the Processes.
  • These are few of the mistakes that may result in delays in project delivery and there by losing the project.

Risk based testing starts with accessing risks related to complexity of logic, business criticality, defect prone areas in application, frequency of use of sensitive computation of application features. This involves priority of testing those areas of an software that involve critical features and functionalities that are likely to fail. Such type of testing involves experienced testers that have understanding of possible risks involved in mission critical applications.
Positive impact of risk based testing are opportunity to learn and improve business sustainability when you test application based on the risks involved negative impact of risk based testing are threat of customer dissatisfaction, impact of overall project cost due to detailed testing, bad or negative user experience, and possible loss of customers.

Decision table testing are used to validate system behavior with different input combinations.
Best Example of such tests can be login to the application where there are two input values, namely username and password and possible output can either be an error with not allowing to enter in application or allowed to enter the welcome page.
scenario 1 – username and password both can be wrong, resulting in error
scenario 2 – username can be correct, but password could be wrong, resulting in error
Scenario 3 – username can be wrong, but password could be right, resulting in error.
Scenario 4 – username and password both can be right and valid, allowing user to the welcome page.

Test scenario can be a description of test objective, tester can accomplish by testing an application in multiple ways to ensure that the scenario has been covered with satisfaction.
Test case is summary of test scenario with steps or procedure to carry out with test data to the application in order to validate that the application behave s as expected, or reproducing the defect by following the steps written in test case, there by validate that the actual result deviate from expected result.
Test script is steps in order to mimic test case to validate applicatio n’s behavior as expected or behaves differently to locate defect.

Defect triage is process of analyzing defect priority based on factors such as severity, risk, and time required to fix /resolve the defect. During defect triage meet, stack holders discuss and decide the priority of fixing the defects.

Software complexity – making developer difficult to understand requirement, or how to design the desiredoutput.
Miscommunication between product team and customer in knowing the exact requirement.
Programming errors during runtime or compile time of code base during integration process.
Timeline pressure that limits unit testing of all possible scenarios on design codes or programs.
Change in requirements by customer that can introduce defect in already running application code.

Error Guessing – It is a test case design technique in which testers have to imagine the defects that might occur and write test cases to represent them.
Error Seeding – It is the process of adding known bugs in a program for tracking the rate of detection & removal. It also helps to estimate the number of faults remaining in the program.

In some situations, reporting failures can be a delicate process. Perhaps a deve loper spent a lot of time on some code which does not exactly meet specifications. QA engineers need to be able to stand up for what they know is right.

The correct Answer is NO. All test cases need to be run, and making assumptions frequently leads to issues down the road, because as a Software quality tester it is your duty to cover all the scenarios for the application for test coverage. It may happen that in case some area of test uncovered may contain error at client side, and you can fall on your face by not testing that area.

The meaning of validation is to confirm if application or system designed is in compliance with the client’s requirements and its feature functions as desired and thereby meets goals and needs of end user. In short it is to verify the software build is right product.

The meaning of verification is to confirm that the designed product delivers and satisfies all the functionalities expected to fulfill as expected by end user. In short it is to test whether the product build is right (functions as expected)?

Software testing activities can be stopped based on following factors – How many Test case execution completed and bugs occurred fixed during the regression testing Based on the Testing deadline decided in test plan by project manager Mean Time between Failures (MTBF) rate if reduced and is within the acceptable rate.
Code Coverage Ratio can be calculated based on various tests like statement coverage, branch coverage etc.

Testing shows presence of defects – testing any software will uncover defects in it Early
Testing is essential and will help to detect defect in the initial stage of development.
Exhaustive testing is not possible – It is not possible to check each and every condition and criteria of application.
Testing is context Dependent – Different domains are tested differently, thus testing is purely based on the context of the domain or application.
Defect clustering – 80% of the problems are found in 20% of the modules.
Pesticide paradox – the set of test cases needs to be regularly reviewed and revised.
Absence of Error is fallacy as it will be impossible to imagine software without a defect.

Defect Density is number of confirmed defects identified in software/module during a development period divided by the size of the software. It is calculated as defect count/size of the release, where size of release is total line of code in release.
e.g. if module1 has 25 bugs, module2 has 15 bugs, and module3 has 50 bugs, total number of code per modules are module1 has 1250 LOC (lines of code), module2 has 2575 LOC , and module3 has 7500 LOC, then Total bugs = 25+15+50 = 90, and size = 1250+2575+7500 = 11325, Defect density will be = 90/11325 = 0.00794 defects/loc = 7.94 defects/Kloc.

Age of Defect is the difference of time from date when defect was detected till the date defect was fixed or a current date if defect is still open (not resolv ed).

The Design software gets stuck or hangs often when enter key have been pressed to review the final draft. This is defect of high priority and high severity and should be resolved and corrected as such product cannot be shipped to client.

If a Company name is misspelled on the home page of web portal, is an Example of high priority to be fixed as it may impact company reputation or may represent as fake product with misspel led company name. However other functionality in the web portal will function perfectly.

A printer printing multiple copies instead of single copy has a high severity as the customer will experience wastage, due to printing task still pending. This can be fixed in next release of the product.

The Example of Low priority and low severity can be Spelling, Grammatical, punctuation marks not properly placed, and such mistakes in product labels.

Interviewer wants to know, how do you react real time scenario when there is a de livery and acceptance testing is on the way, what tests will you take on priority? The Answer to this question will depend on how did you work and perform under pressure environment. The most critical feature that was not working and have been send with a defect, It is mandatory to check if the critical and major bugs have been resolved or not, The regression tests should be carried out and integration tests that validates feature, end to end testing should be carried out. Based on the test results, we can decide to release the build or not.

  • Accurate, or specific about the purpose.
  • Economical, meaning no unnecessary steps or words are used.
  • Traceable, meaning requirements can be traced.
  • Repeatable, meaning the document can be used to perform the test numerous times.
  • Reusable, meaning the document can be reused to successfully perform the test again in the future.